John Mitchell stated, “MacWorld’s Total Tiger is great! Lots of good tips.” Ed Matlock has copies for sale: $5.
Our president, Bob Shayler was our presenter for the evening. In preparation of downloading Safari 2.0.1 he ran “repair permissions” (“ran diskwarrior last night”). Went to Software Update and downloaded Safari 2.0.1 for accessing his .Mac web site.
Bob showed slides of his trip to Minnesota to pick up their new Bernese Mountain Dog. (Great looking dog!). He did the whole set of slides while on the trip via his computer and .Mac. Great show.
He purchased Freefall 1.2 – Satellite Simulator & Screen Saver for Mac. He demonstrated Freefall showing the multiple links. We saw the multiple satellite groups, including the gps satellite … amazing show. Go to [page no longer exists, but here’s a current download link: ~mario] where you can download a free demo and screen shots. Freefall sells for 29.95.Also check out
Bob booted his starrynight software and we looked at the stars at various times, seeing satellites passing through. This was a good demo of the starrynight backyard software. Check out (“the World’s Most Realistic Astronomy Products”).
Jay Ruuska showed pictures of the move of “Computers for kids” stuff to new storage space. It took 18 hours over 3 days to complete the move. Thanks to Bev, John and Ed.
The group recessed to see the ISS (International Space Station) move across the sky. “It was a very bright passage.”
Ed Matlock told of the contents of this months DOM. Included you will find Cocktail 3.6.5; Drive Genius updated to 1.15; Graphic Converter 5.7; iClip (10 clipboards); mactracker 4.0b4 (info on all mac products); Pacifist 1.6.3 (allows you to see what is in the package so you can pick out the portion you need); Safari updates; 2 security updates; Slim Battery Monitor 1.3; Tinker Tool (makes invisible files visible); Virex update; Xupport 3.0. Thanks Ed!
Randy Madrid suggested that folk use Safari Enhancer. Safari Enhancer is an application for enhancing the functionality of Apple’s Safari webbrowser. You can disable the website icon cache and thus constantly clearing the cache. Then you will not have to “clear cache” within Safari each time Safari gets sluggish.
Ed Matlock led a discussion on how we protect ourselves from hackers. Click on “sharing” in preferences, click on firewall, and check those you want enabled, such as, FTP Access. Then click on Advanced to further refine security for your computer. However, if you are a single computer, no need to block FTP Access.
We adjourned for the Board Meeting at Bakers Square..
Dayle Scott, Secretary