Bob Shayler shared his story regarding “and I thought my passwords were secure…” (the previous newsletter had the first part of the story). What he learned from his son who said “Lemme show you something” is as follows: go to Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access, Bob doubled clicked on each of his keychains and there in the Attribute dialogue box his password appeared. So, make sure that no one else has access to your admin account. He demonstrates the process. Be sure and reread the newsletter account again. Bob indicated that there is a lot of power in Keychain Access. Go to System Preference and click on Accounts. There you can set up new accounts. It is good to have a Name account and a guest account in addition to your admin account., Auto login is possible.
Bob ‘played with’ Desktop and Screen Saver family pictures. He accessed some Cal Poly students.
There was some further discussion on security. We went to Security in System Preferences. There you could set a Master Password and turn on the FileVault. Be very careful here. If you forget the Master Password you could be in real trouble.
John Mitchell shared that he took his wife to the Apple store and came out with a MacBook. And it only took 45 minutes to migrate data from her other laptop to the MacBook … works great!
Ed Matlock reviewed the contents of the DOM. He showed the various Mac commercials on the disk. Much laughter ensued as the PC and Mac users shared. On the disk you will find the following: ATI accelerator, Disk Catalog Maker 4.1, Easy drag and drop, Front Row updater, iWeb 1.1.1, OnyX 1.7 a light weight Cocktail, Pop Char X 3.0b6, QT 7.1.1, Security updates, Tech Tool Pro 4.1.2, Simply RAR, SuperDrive updater, VLC plays window media, and Xupport 3. Thanks Ed.
Off to the board meeting at Bakers Square.
Dayle Scott, Secretary