The new Safari 4 is rather innovative and glitzy. Looks interesting and bears additional investigation and using. Surely the next release candidate will continue to show improvement and probably more ideas from Google and Firefox. FireFox seems to be the current browser of choice, in the opinion of some.
The latest rurmors are mentioning a refresh of the iMac line. How significant will that be? The recent silent update of the Mac Mini along with pictures of the ports on a posible new Mac Mini looks like a nice improvement. Probably the big reason for the lack of interest in the Mini is still the profit margin. On the other hand, a downsized model may well be a sign of the times. What do you think?
Today’s release of new iMacs and Mac minis looks like Apple is continuing to do things the way it wants. Tim clearly has the conn.
The new Mini appears much like the recent picture of the back side which revealed 5 USB 2 ports, a firewire 800 port and a second video port.
As usual the retail stores are last to hear about new releases.
Stay tuned…
See you at the meeting.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The San Leandro Mac Users group meeting was called to order by Bob Shayler at 7:40 PM.
John Mitchell, former Commercial and Navy pilot, gave a special presentation about the Hudson River landing of the US Airways airbus. This is the first successful forced landing (ditching) of a non-amphibious jet airliner on the water in the United States.
Bob shared a list fancy applications for the iPHONE.
You can get the apps with the phone thru ATT, through the phone wirelessly, or through a computer using iTUNES and syncing phone. Some are free, some are charged to your Apple account or to your .mac account. Bob shared his favorites and showed us how to download cool apps from iTUNES. All of the google and gmail apps are free, some apps have more features if you pay.
The List:
- Darkslide (flickr)
- Google and Google Earth
- Pinger Phone
- Calculator
- DualLevelPro
- YouTube
- Remote
- Snap
- IfFound
- Urbanspoon
- Tweetie
- Accuweather
- MySpace
- Record
- MotionXGPS
- FIREFOX ADD ONS found in Firefox Tools
- WOT (web of trust)
- Surf Canyon
- Download Helper
- Check out, too, the many Google apps available
- Firefox 3.06
- Keynote and Pages 2008 updates
- Graphics update for MacbookPRO
- New version Open Office for the intel
- Quicktime for leopard
- Little Snitch
- GooglePreview
- Garage Band 2009 update
- Underwater
- Onyx
- ibdv update
- Picassa for the mac
- iWORKS update
- Google Earth MAC
- LIFE media browser
- Macioovoo
- /tigerSequoia: a tetris game with blocks coming in from all 4 sides
SERVICES: a trojan horse removal tool which can be used to remove a particular Apple trojan horse currently making the rounds.
Used books were made available for sharing.
Ed shared the DOM note: this is a CD, not a DVD burn. The SIG meeting for February 19 is canceled.
Bob adjourned the meeting at 9:12 PM
Submitted by Kathleen Roth
SLMUG Secretary
March 5th meeting features…
Among other topics will be a discussion about low end “power strips” and UPS devices. Ed will have the monthly DVD for updates and other cool stuff. The “Board meeting” will follow at Denny’s (I-580 & 150th Street in San Leandro).