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Apple Bytes 6/2009

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Well, it is finally here……
Mac OS X 10 .5.7 is finally here after a significant wait. At least it is here and is reportedly the most stable release yet. I personally have had no issues at all. No significant problems have been reported to my knowledge. Thank you Apple. Keep up the good work!

Some prices are continuing to drop and a few new things are creeping up. However, values seem to be on the up-tick – more bang for the buck as the saying goes. Hard drives are expected to grow in capacity and the prices will stay competitive. Ed just purchased a 1.5 terrabyte drive for a bit more than $100.

We can probably look ahead to two plus GB capacities in the future. Imagine what those huge drive sizes are going to mean to Drive Savers…

Next week is the annual Developers Conference in San Francisco. We can surely expect some info on the elusive “White Leopard” if it does in fact exist. Not much more than a few rumors yet.

Stay tuned…
See you at the meeting.

San Leandro MAC User Group Meeting Minutes

San Leandro MAC User’s Group
Thursday, May 7, 2009

President Bob Shayler called the meeting to order at 7:50 PM

There will be no meetings in July or August.

We will meet the 3rd Thursday in May to continue repairs.
The 1st Thursday in June will be a general meeting & the 3rd Thursday in June will be for repairs.

Deborah flew to New York to accept a NIFTE award, shared with 24 technical educators from around the world. She wound up a tough April in New Orleans at Jazzfest.

The recently newsworthy OS X worm that has been in the press lately is apparently so poorly written it cannot spread in the wild. The worm is attached to email. To activate the worm, you must open the email and open the attachment. Remember: don’t open email or attachments from senders you don’t know.

The topic of discussion was firefox:
Major advantage: more stable and offers many plug-ins (aka add-ons). Cool Plug-ins recommended by Bob:
Tools Icon: Firefox suggested add-ons to download. Get Add-ons Tab: rates and suggests the best add ons and allows you to search all recommended add-ons. WOT (Web of Trust): rates the web sites you want to visit (instantaneously) in categories of trustworthiness, realiability, privacy.
DownloadHelper is a way to discover many sites showing Web videos from all around the world. DownloadHelper is also a free Firefox extension for downloading and converting videos from many sites with minimum effort. Using DownloadHelper, you can easily save videos from most of the popular video sites. It is also possible to capture all the images from a gallery in a single operation. Note that DownloadHelper does not break any real protection implemented on the sites. It just give an easier access to clear content that will be downloaded by your browser anyway. Downloaded videos must be kept for personal use and not shown on other Web sites.
Cooliris: Full-Screen, 3D. Cooliris is simply the fastest and most stunning way to browse photos and videos from the Web or your desktop. Effortlessly scroll a “3D Wall” of your content from Facebook, Google Images, YouTube, Flickr, and hundreds more.
Yoono: opens a side bar to show your email from various social sites (Twitter, Facebook,Yahoo, Gmail). Includes a search engine & web monitoring. NetVideoHunter: does not hunt videos . . . it downloads videos; is a freeware app which operates through a tiny icon and counter. You can view the videos when you click on the icon. This add-on takes you to a site for viewing, similar to utube and gives you the option to download the video from the site.

Member question: what is the difference between a plug-in and an extension?
Answer (from Internet): a plug-in (also: plugin, addin, add-in, addon, add-on, snap-in or snapin, extension) consists of a computer program that interacts with a host application (a web browser or an email client, for example) to provide a very specific function “on demand”.
An extension is a computer program designed to be incorporated into another piece of software in order to extend the functions of the latter. On its own, the program is not useful or functional. It appears that the two terms are interchangeable.


Ed was enjoying his vacation. Bob and John reviewed the DOM Data Rescue – data recovery system, update to a commercial product Diskwarrior – a must have, in bob’s opinion, commercial product available from AllSoft. Firefox – beta version. GoogleEarth. MacTracker – tracks all MAC models PicassaMac – image viewer for Macs w/ Intel chip.
Download Tutorial: drag the file you want to download onto desktop for automatic download. The icon will look like external drive.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 PM.

The Executive Board meeting followed at Denny’s (150th & 580) San Leandro.

June 4th meeting features…
This may well be a “Mystery Meeting”. That means we will play it by ear. Ed is still a bit under the weather and we may or may not have a DOM. The “Board meeting” will follow at Denny’s (I-580 & 150th Street in San Leandro). Try to make it as we won’t be meeting ’till September. That may be a two disk issue or maybe even three. Wow!

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